Maggi (a 2 legged Freak, an amazing lover of pets (something he did not stop being even after getting a big kiss from a street dog), my Lovely brother) calls me ‘Brother Brother….’
I rush out with some kind of fear knowing really well that my brother does not call me unless he is doing something crazy. All my fears come alive when I see a 4 legged alien with him. It took me sometime to realize that it’s actually a cat. It’s not my mistake that I mistook it for an alien. It was just too young, it was about to Die. It was the like seeing the alien in ET taking its last breath. I stood there still not knowing what to say.
Maggi jumps into action. Searches here n there, takes money from my purse with out even asking me and goes out. I really did not stop him as after seeing him for 14 years, I understood when to take a back seat. I did not know what to do except seeing Savithri, our house maid, trying to comfort the cat. Maggi comes back with a baby bottle and starts feeding the cat. I was not sure if the cat was going to survive but I was sure about Maggi’s intentions. My parents seeing the whole drama warn me that this cat is not going to stay with us. I assure them that I hate cats and we will leave it after it becomes little healthy. I wasn’t actually sure that it will become healthy.
The next day I get up and see that Maggi got up before me. I don’t believe this ever happened until that day. He was of course valiantly trying to feed the cat and for a change the cat started responding. Maggi was proud and to be frank even I was, not proud of me, but of MaggiJ. As slowly every one left, I realized that I was going to be alone with the cat. Maggi realized it before me and had big plans for me. He gave me a schedule of feeding the cat.
I was just too lazy. I had movies to watch, games to play and friends to chat. So in stead of I moving out, I decided to bring the cat into my room. To make sure it did not move away, or fall, I placed it on my bed and blocked all its exits. 2 days passed and the cat started moving here n there. The boundaries I erected for the cat were still good enough. As days flew, I started seeing the Cat grow (Cats grow really quick). For some strange reason, the cat started drinking milk only when I gave it. Maggi did not like it but he was in love with too many street dogs and was not affected by one ditch. I was sceptical about the whole thing. I knew the cat was taking more of my time. I was waiting for it to grow so that I could leave it in wild.
One day when I was too busy playing games, I suddenly noticed that the cat was not around. The boundaries I erected for it could not stop it. It was I guess time for me to leave it out but for some strange reason, I was frightened. I searched the whole house trying to communicate with the cat, ‘meow, bow bow, my darling etc etc ‘I don’t hear it. I go out and find the gate open. I see a dog going out of the house. I run to see if the cat was around. It wasn’t and there was also no blood in the Dogs mouth. I scare the dog away. I was relieved but I was frightened. Suddenly I was scared of searching for the cat. I was worried of what I was going to find. I sat before our car and was trembling with fear.
Suddenly I saw something trying to climb on my leg and I saw the cat. I was so elated, so happy… I brought the cat back into my room. I was going to have this cat, yes this girlie thing as my first pet. I decided to search for a name. I heard my dad call me with so many names like tinku, minku, chinku that I decided to call my cat, DINKU and yes this was going to be well n truly my cat. And when I decide on something, no objections are going to change it. I announce the arrival of Dinku into our family to my parents and brother. My brother was happy for me and my parents, knowing my gigantic short temper, decided not to comment anything.
I loved eggs, omelette and I made sure Dinku loved them. It indeed could not have enough of them. I wanted my Dinku to also play with balls. Dinku was a boy according to me. I bought lot of table tennis balls and I found that Dinku did love playing with the balls. It saw the balls as a rat and started practicing its predatory instincts playing with the ball. It was indeed amazing seeing sharp nails come out of its short legs when ever it saw a ball. It was growing up.
It slept on me when I was reading novels. It moved around my monitor when I was playing games and it moved around my legs when I was eating. It was in Love with me. My mother warned me that Cats don’t love people and its sleeping on you only because you are very puffy. Somehow I knew that she was wrong. My Dinku was no ordinary cat. It was my cat.
Dinku had little trouble with identifying bathrooms and decided to use carpets or beds to answer its nature calls. My mom warned me that if its going to continue, she will leave the cat. She obviously did not comment when I took a holy bath to protect Dinku. She was left speech-less.
The Holy bath: Dinku was about to answer one of its nature calls in moms bedroom. I saw something fishy and raised it so that I can take it outside. Unfortunately answering nature calls was still involuntary with Dinku and it was in the process of ejection. With out knowing what to do, I made it eject on my shirt and took it outside. Mom saw all of this and she finally realized what Dinku meant to me. I could not find any bad smell. It was after-all my Dinku and I was responsible for everything it had to offer.
I played hide n seek with it when ever it decided to hide in the car. I played its watchman when ever it decided to roam around. I helped it learn climb the walls. I was its partner in everything it did. So did Dinku really love me? Well it did and everyone knew about it when I wasn’t around.
I had to leave my Dinku as I was going to start my professional life in a strange city.
I got regular calls from my parents informing me about Dinku’s progress. It stopped eating and its growth stopped. It was sick. After hearing 3 weeks of pain, I came back to meet Dinku. It was struggling. I bombard on my parents for not taking care of it. Even my brother could not explain how he, the famous pet lover, could not take care of it. I spent the next 3 days spending time with Dinku, making it healthy. This time around, when I was leaving, I was told by my Mom that they are trying their best to help Dinku grow but that it was not listening to any of them. If it misses you again, we are going to leave it.
After a week, I get a call informing me that my parents decided to abandon Dinku and that it was already abandoned. I asked only question, ‘What was its reaction when it came out of the gunny bag’ My dad ‘it was scared of us and ran away from us’. For a change I saw tears in my dad’s voice. I had my own tears to contend. I immediately rushed to my room and spend the best part of that day crying. I never cried so much in my life. Indeed I can feel the tears when ever I remember it.
Looking back, Dinku brought only joy into my life and I hope it is still alive n kicking. My Dinku was exactly like this and its how it played with my antics.

I rush out with some kind of fear knowing really well that my brother does not call me unless he is doing something crazy. All my fears come alive when I see a 4 legged alien with him. It took me sometime to realize that it’s actually a cat. It’s not my mistake that I mistook it for an alien. It was just too young, it was about to Die. It was the like seeing the alien in ET taking its last breath. I stood there still not knowing what to say.
Maggi jumps into action. Searches here n there, takes money from my purse with out even asking me and goes out. I really did not stop him as after seeing him for 14 years, I understood when to take a back seat. I did not know what to do except seeing Savithri, our house maid, trying to comfort the cat. Maggi comes back with a baby bottle and starts feeding the cat. I was not sure if the cat was going to survive but I was sure about Maggi’s intentions. My parents seeing the whole drama warn me that this cat is not going to stay with us. I assure them that I hate cats and we will leave it after it becomes little healthy. I wasn’t actually sure that it will become healthy.
The next day I get up and see that Maggi got up before me. I don’t believe this ever happened until that day. He was of course valiantly trying to feed the cat and for a change the cat started responding. Maggi was proud and to be frank even I was, not proud of me, but of MaggiJ. As slowly every one left, I realized that I was going to be alone with the cat. Maggi realized it before me and had big plans for me. He gave me a schedule of feeding the cat.
I was just too lazy. I had movies to watch, games to play and friends to chat. So in stead of I moving out, I decided to bring the cat into my room. To make sure it did not move away, or fall, I placed it on my bed and blocked all its exits. 2 days passed and the cat started moving here n there. The boundaries I erected for the cat were still good enough. As days flew, I started seeing the Cat grow (Cats grow really quick). For some strange reason, the cat started drinking milk only when I gave it. Maggi did not like it but he was in love with too many street dogs and was not affected by one ditch. I was sceptical about the whole thing. I knew the cat was taking more of my time. I was waiting for it to grow so that I could leave it in wild.
One day when I was too busy playing games, I suddenly noticed that the cat was not around. The boundaries I erected for it could not stop it. It was I guess time for me to leave it out but for some strange reason, I was frightened. I searched the whole house trying to communicate with the cat, ‘meow, bow bow, my darling etc etc ‘I don’t hear it. I go out and find the gate open. I see a dog going out of the house. I run to see if the cat was around. It wasn’t and there was also no blood in the Dogs mouth. I scare the dog away. I was relieved but I was frightened. Suddenly I was scared of searching for the cat. I was worried of what I was going to find. I sat before our car and was trembling with fear.
Suddenly I saw something trying to climb on my leg and I saw the cat. I was so elated, so happy… I brought the cat back into my room. I was going to have this cat, yes this girlie thing as my first pet. I decided to search for a name. I heard my dad call me with so many names like tinku, minku, chinku that I decided to call my cat, DINKU and yes this was going to be well n truly my cat. And when I decide on something, no objections are going to change it. I announce the arrival of Dinku into our family to my parents and brother. My brother was happy for me and my parents, knowing my gigantic short temper, decided not to comment anything.
I loved eggs, omelette and I made sure Dinku loved them. It indeed could not have enough of them. I wanted my Dinku to also play with balls. Dinku was a boy according to me. I bought lot of table tennis balls and I found that Dinku did love playing with the balls. It saw the balls as a rat and started practicing its predatory instincts playing with the ball. It was indeed amazing seeing sharp nails come out of its short legs when ever it saw a ball. It was growing up.
It slept on me when I was reading novels. It moved around my monitor when I was playing games and it moved around my legs when I was eating. It was in Love with me. My mother warned me that Cats don’t love people and its sleeping on you only because you are very puffy. Somehow I knew that she was wrong. My Dinku was no ordinary cat. It was my cat.
Dinku had little trouble with identifying bathrooms and decided to use carpets or beds to answer its nature calls. My mom warned me that if its going to continue, she will leave the cat. She obviously did not comment when I took a holy bath to protect Dinku. She was left speech-less.
The Holy bath: Dinku was about to answer one of its nature calls in moms bedroom. I saw something fishy and raised it so that I can take it outside. Unfortunately answering nature calls was still involuntary with Dinku and it was in the process of ejection. With out knowing what to do, I made it eject on my shirt and took it outside. Mom saw all of this and she finally realized what Dinku meant to me. I could not find any bad smell. It was after-all my Dinku and I was responsible for everything it had to offer.
I played hide n seek with it when ever it decided to hide in the car. I played its watchman when ever it decided to roam around. I helped it learn climb the walls. I was its partner in everything it did. So did Dinku really love me? Well it did and everyone knew about it when I wasn’t around.
I had to leave my Dinku as I was going to start my professional life in a strange city.
I got regular calls from my parents informing me about Dinku’s progress. It stopped eating and its growth stopped. It was sick. After hearing 3 weeks of pain, I came back to meet Dinku. It was struggling. I bombard on my parents for not taking care of it. Even my brother could not explain how he, the famous pet lover, could not take care of it. I spent the next 3 days spending time with Dinku, making it healthy. This time around, when I was leaving, I was told by my Mom that they are trying their best to help Dinku grow but that it was not listening to any of them. If it misses you again, we are going to leave it.
After a week, I get a call informing me that my parents decided to abandon Dinku and that it was already abandoned. I asked only question, ‘What was its reaction when it came out of the gunny bag’ My dad ‘it was scared of us and ran away from us’. For a change I saw tears in my dad’s voice. I had my own tears to contend. I immediately rushed to my room and spend the best part of that day crying. I never cried so much in my life. Indeed I can feel the tears when ever I remember it.
Looking back, Dinku brought only joy into my life and I hope it is still alive n kicking. My Dinku was exactly like this and its how it played with my antics.